Loupes de fer et d’acier de bas fourneau artisanal.

Dans cette catégorie, vous trouverez des loupes de fer et d’acier de bas fourneau artisanal.

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Bloomery steel (Tamahagane), 1,0-1,5% carbon

High-purity bloomery steel with a carbon content of 1.0-1.5%. Very low levels of phosphorus and sulfur. Identical in quality and purity to Japanese Tamahagane.

Bloomery steel (Tamahagane), 0,8-1,2% carbon

High-purity bloomery steel with a carbon content of 0,8-1,2%. Very low levels of phosphorus and sulfur. Identical in quality and purity to Japanese Tamahagane.

Bloomery iron made from bog iron ore, high phosphorus content

Bloomery iron made from North German bog iron ore with a low carbon and high phosphorus content. For the production of historical "Damascus steel" or for the back or the sides of historical blades, edged weapons and tools.
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